Mechanizmy podpory zemědělského výzkumu


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GFAR – DURAS Electronic Discussion on Competitive Grants
02 – 18 November 2005




A now commonly used mechanism for funding agricultural research is the Competitive Grants Scheme (CGS).  This tool, which has become increasingly popular since the early 1990s  has been used  to develop, ensure and sustain scientific capacity and to allocate resources to the most important scientific (and development) issues.  While a number of such CGS have emerged over the years, the long gestation nature of agricultural and related research makes it difficult to draw conclusions about its efficiency and effectiveness for improving research relevance, effects on national capacity building, and sustainability of research infrastructure (Bie and Elliott, 2005). 


Notwithstanding, it would be useful to learn of the emerging outcomes, if not impacts, of the many CGS currently being implemented as these would provide us

Zdroj: AgroNavigator
Autor: redakce APIC

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Ministerstvo Zemědělství

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